
Top 7 Books for Stock Market before 30 - Stock Market

 Stock Market A System to Create Enormous Wealth But How?? How You Can Take Your Portfolios Returns as High as Cocaine?? Well Chill I am Here. In This Blog You'll Know About 7 Books That Can Teach You About Everything in Stock Market Even Basics if You Allow Them.     The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham Psychology of Money - Morgan Housal Lynch One Up On Wall Street - Peter Lynch The Little Book that Still Beats The Market - Green Blatt  Coffee Can Investing - Saurabh Mukherjea, Rakshit Ranjan, Pranab Uniyal Dhando - Mohnish Pabrai 7 Secrets to Invest Like Warren Buffet - Mary Buffet and Sean Seah NOTE: Please show mercy on me if i did not put your favorite book on the top. I am sorry about that. :(  Let's get started with 7th book on your list, 7 Secrets to Invest Like Warren Buffet- written by Mary Buffet and Sean Seah : If you wanna call it amazing maybe your wrong because it is a master piece the way these both artist show their talent in this b...

Importance of Reading Books - For Wise People Only

Heyy guys you must be wondering in your small little mind  about why every successful person read books well everybody does. But what a so called book can actually provide you??? Maybe everything that you desire. money, friends, habits, healthy relationships, positive mindset, new skills and so many things that you desire. And for now let's focus on knowing 8 things that book may provide you if you read them on a daily basis. so let's read them together.๐Ÿ’“ There are 8 things that I think that reading books may provide you if you read or listen them on a daily basis . 1. Builds your vocabulary: Books can build your vocabulary. how? BY searching hard words on google most of the people understand languages but their vocabulary is not that well built. Searching hard words on google may better your vocabulary.         2.  Lower stress levels: There are so many books that can teach you how to reduce your stress. EXAMPLE: ( HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING -...

Problem Solving Skills | How to Solve Problems

Hey Beautiful since you are reading this it's clear that you are suffering from worrying. But before reading it please know that there is always somebody who cares for you.  may this blog could help you out with your worries and may you get so much happyness than you deserve. Love you ๐Ÿ’“. -ANURAG  As we live in a world where most of us worry about everything it doesn't matter how small it is. We care about our children, business, future or partner, and so many other things, it seems like we can't run from this, and it's alright. We are just humans and it's okay to worry. Thousands of people worry even though they have money and other things that we don't have. Worrying is not a bad sign it's just telling us that something is not right and we have to fix it. So to find the solution to our problems we must find the cause and work out this problem. But before that, it is important to know why we worry. Worry is caused by our negative emotions and lack of gratit...